What’s The idea behind Crion

What’s The idea behind Crion

Crion stands for génération créative or creative generation and that's what the brand is about really. For me I just wanted to display how creative our generation is by creating a brand that mixes storytelling, art and fashion into one to create a walking Art gallery but in the sense of fashion. I do that by displaying artwork made by young artists who I collaborate with and by creating unique fashion designs. For me I want people to know the story behind the product that they are wearing which inspired me to create "what's the idea" section which you will get to see before you purchase any of our products., what inspired the idea and what was the artist going through and the thinking process behind that product and what it means to them. For me I also believed that young artists from this generation should have a brand that supports and believes in their creative work as well as giving them credit for it. By creating Crion I want to build a community for creative likeminded individuals and a space for creativity in which them and I could collaborate and display their work. Therefore, I started Crion because I wanted to build a brand that displays what this generation is really about our ideas and what we believe in and one of the things that we really believe in is sustainability and that's why I aim to make all of my products as environmentally sustainable as possible and yet of great quality.
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